Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ah, Toronto

Just gave the pup her late night walk and am now heading to bed for a whole 6hrs sleep. Luxury!

On this 11:30pm walk we were lapped about 4 times by a middle aged woman who was rollerblading. Yes. Middle of January. Rollerblading.

Seriously, this weird snow-less "winter" is making people crazy. I'm worried about the hibernating creatures who, according to Amy, may starve to death if the weather is too warm. Their metabolisms can't slow down enough, it seems, to make their energy stores last.

It's January... so more pics of warmer days!

I think we'll have to move to a detached home now that I'm playing the saxamaphone again. Our neighbours must hate hearing scales in keys with more than 3 flats or sharps... As it is, I feel like I shouldn't be playing any later than 9pm, but frequently I don't get home until well after 7pm. *sigh*

These long dark days are getting to me I think. I've only been back at work for less than a week and already I'm ready for another 2 week vacation. Time for more summer nostalgia!

It's like one of those old Choose Your Own Adventure books from the early 80s -- Trial in the Colosseo. So... lions or not?

I <=> II

III <=> IV

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Keeping in touch

Amy and I jumped into our rented horseless carriage on Friday and drove to Brampton in the late afternoon to visit Nana at Peel Memorial Hospital. She seemed a little better than when I had last visited, and seemed to respond to the family photos and movies we showed to her on Amy's laptop. As was the case for all who view our slideshows, she was asleep after about a half hour.

Off to the next Brampton event!

Michelle Callender, Michelle Travers, Scott Travers, Brampton, J.A.Turner

Continuing the trend of recovery after years of work-aholism (Help help! I'm addicted to work-ahol!) and renewing old friendships which had been neglected by me in favour of, uh, let's say 30-hour workdays (?!), I had an excellent evening on Friday catching up with Michelle C. and her husband Scott. Judging by the pictures of their two sons, Amy and I agree that those kids will have a huge fan club of adoring women when they're older. If they're even half as gregarious as M is, they'll be quite the centre of attention wherever they are!

It was great to see M again, although I was sad to have missed so many developments in the intervening time. I'll be making a point to keep in touch!